I love treasure hunting, whether it’s going to the antique mall with my husband or grandkids, the thrift store or a garage sale. A treasure can take on many shapes, sizes, and forms. It can be very old or brand new. It might be something that was given to you by a friend, family member, or even God. Treasuries remind us of times past and the people who gave them to us pictures my grandkids have drawn or painted, a teacup that invokes a memory of a special day with friends, a photograph that makes me laugh or smile, a rose that takes my breath away and takes me to the very presence of God! These treasures have been causing a refocus in my life. I believe God has been asking me some hard questions. One of those questions being, how is your vision?
Vision? What are you saying, Lord? He tells me, “I think your sight is blurred and distorted. Where are your glasses, Kathy?” God has given all of us treasure upon treasure, yet our eyes, hearts, and minds can easily remain out of focus. It is as if God was saying, “Put your glasses on, Kathy. Let me show you the treasures I have for your life." Matthew 6:19-34 tells us that our treasures are not here on earth but in heaven. Our earthly treasures can vanish in a moment, whether in a fire, the weather, an illness, accident, or a virus. However, if we have laid up treasure in heaven, it can never be destroyed. It is eternal. Verse 21 says, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Where are our hearts? Where is our treasure? What are we most thinking about today? What could you not live without? What makes your heart beat fastest and loudest? Our lives can easily become like the little mouse running inside a wheel. The faster he runs, the faster the wheel moves, but he doesn’t make any progress. He doesn’t even have the sense to get off the wheel. That’s what happens when our treasures become distorted, blurred by the world and sin! We’re running faster and faster, trying harder and harder to meet the demands or prevent a disaster. We think we have control over our circumstances, the world, or the coronavirus. But God says we don’t. You see, one of the most precious treasures God has given us is life, but not just life here and now. He has given us eternal life. This treasure is about knowing Christ and making Him known. Only three things last for eternity: God, His Word, and people. Treasures far, far beyond what the world can give. Matthew 6:33 sums it up: “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you. Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” I love the old Gaither song, We Have This Moment: “We have this moment to hold in our hands as it slips through our fingers like sand. Yesterday’s gone and tomorrow may never come. We only have this moment.” What then shall we do? Seek the ultimate Treasure Jesus Christ. For in those moments we will know that the treasure of His life in us is ALL the treasure we will ever need! Treasure the moment! Love and prayers, Kathy
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AuthorKathy Niswender is the wife of our pastor. Archives
December 2021